Submission Guidelines

***Please note that Altered Reality Magazine can only keep published works (art, stories, poems, and others) on our site for three (3) years. After three years, we will unfortunately have to remove them. Thank you for your understanding.***

We are thrilled to once again be accepting submissions for Altered Reality Magazine. As you may have heard, the magazine has changed hands and is now under the dedicated care of J.V. Hilliard, Abigail Linhardt, and Allison Ivy.

We have a few new submission guidelines and appreciate your patience in reading them below:


  • 12 point font
  • Times New Roman
  • 1.5 spacing
  • 1 inch margins
  • .5 indentation
  • Title centered at the top
  • 3,000 words or less (if you’d like your submission to be a serial, please note this in your email and send part one)


Please allow 3-4 weeks for the team to review your general submissions. We are a super small team and appreciate your patience.

If your work receives either an acceptance or a rejection and you would like to submit three more pieces, please reach out to ask. We are a small team and receive many submissions. Please be respectful. We may ask you to wait until the next submission cycle. 

Please indicate whether your submission is for general submissions to the website or the quarterly magazine.

In the header of your manuscript, list items thus: Last Name and Title of Piece

Please title your file after your piece with your last name and the name of your work (and the episode # if a serial). For example: Smith_Hills Have Eyes_Ep1.docx

When you email Altered Reality Magazine, please put your name and the title of your work in the subject line (along with episode # if a serial).

DO NOT paste your story in the body of the email. Please attach the story as an MSWord document ONLY (.doc or .docx). No Google docs, PDFs, or rich text files will be accepted.

In the body of your email, please address “The AR Team.” Do not send a blank email.


Please attached your image to the email. Please do not send images smaller than 800X800 or less than 300 dpi. Please ONLY attach JPEG files. Please title your image with the name of the image and your last name. For example: StarryNight_Gogh.JPG

Send emails to:

If you are new to Altered Reality Magazine, please feel free to tell us who you are, have you been published before (sorry, your fifth-grade picture book doesn’t count), give us links to your publications and public social media if you so desire, and tell us in 100 words or so what your short story is about. Also mention if your story has an end in sight or if you can see the serial being published every month for years to come.

Thank you for your patience as Altered Reality enters this new, exciting era. We hope to build Altered Reality into a haven for all creatives.

Warmest regards,

The Altered Reality Team
