Tag Archives: lauren

Ginny Goes to Mars by Lauren McBride

Ginny Goes to Mars Lauren McBride Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird . . . It’s a plane . . . It’s Superman Ingenuity: the little chopper that could – carried by Perseverance to become (in 2021) the … Continue reading


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A ‘Pound’ Argument by Lauren McBride

A ‘Pound’ Argument Lauren McBride “Children, your mother and I’ve decided that we should move to Earth. We’ve enrolled you in school and you’ll be with other terran children. We plan to book space on next month’s transport.” The twins … Continue reading


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Here, I am a Woman by Lauren McBride

Here, I am a Woman Lauren McBride Society was obsessed with Mozart when I became obsessed with my husband’s telescope. The stars looked closer, as expected, but then some stars began to look familiar – as if I recognized them. … Continue reading


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Salamander Soldiers by Lauren McBride

Salamander Soldiers Lauren McBride I had a name once, in a life that seems as strange to me as my own appearance does now. I was among the first of those called Salamander Soldiers, an elite army unit favored with … Continue reading


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Translator Malfunction by Lauren McBride

Translator Malfunction Lauren McBride translator malfunction away team was asked how they past the thyme en-root This poem first appeared in Scifaikuest May 2014, print issue.


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Stationed on a Gas Giant by Lauren McBride

Stationed on a Gas Giant Lauren McBride around noon, the dark swirling clouds turn yellow and the gas miners can see to read outside   by sunglow for a blissful hour they switch the lights on their pressure suits off … Continue reading


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Pink, with Feathers by Lauren McBride

Pink, with Feathers Lauren McBride Dad says that on New Earth, the most popular pet is the pird – some kind of pig-bird. When our ship lands, I guess we’ll see if pigs can fly. This poem first appeared in … Continue reading


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Martian Microbes by Lauren McBride

Martian Microbes Lauren McBride They stretch out pseudopods – interlacing, interconnecting, becoming a vast mat of intelligence beneath the red surface sand. An amoeboid brain subsiding on soil perchlorates and nitrates. A colony of individual cells, independent thoughts . . … Continue reading


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From the First Marine Astrobiology Expedition by Lauren McBride

From the First Marine Astrobiology Expedition Lauren McBride To My Dear Wife, I think I bathed in the toilet – the one thing in the bathroom that holds water. Remember they’re sentient fish, dear. They probably “go” in the water, … Continue reading


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Mining Solo by Lauren McBride

Mining Solo Lauren McBride on this barren asteroid at night, the silence wakes me no soft rain no rustling breeze through leaves no frog lullaby nor chirping crickets not even an incessantly barking dog for company This poem first appeared … Continue reading


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In Monster Years, I’m Old by Lauren McBride

In Monster Years, I’m Old Lauren McBride First my claws grew brown and brittle; then I started drooling spittle. All my knees began to ache,  and several legs began to shake. My stomach pooches, back hunches, scales have wrinkled into … Continue reading


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Point of View by Lauren McBride

Point of View Lauren McBride At the end of each workday mining frozen gasses I pause at the airlock and remove my face mask letting my eyes mist in the bitter alien air not so different from home-world. Through acrid … Continue reading


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