Tag Archives: Herb

Scone Dragon by Herb Kauderer

Scone Dragon Herb Kauderer While wizards sometimes call themselves a brotherhood they are chaotic brothers full of dirt and broken bones from fighting amongst themselves. There is one thing they get along on and that is the need to maintain … Continue reading


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Scholar: Seeking Wisdom by Herb Kauderer

Scholar: Seeking Wisdom Herb Kauderer The wise dragon maintains wards and warning bells around her lair on the mountain’s top. Long before the mortal woman senses her, the wise dragon is listening to her thoughts. Even so, she waits for … Continue reading


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The Last Dragon by Herb Kauderer

The Last Dragon Herb Kauderer The hunters pay no attention to the final truth but the last dragon knows that she is the last dragon. Through decades she has run from the chase hidden in stealthy caves, hibernated in her … Continue reading


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Charcoal Dragon by Herb Kauderer

Charcoal Dragon Herb Kauderer He lives in the cool dry deserts to the north where no one expects a creation of wood & flame reduced to carbon & ash. Here scribes and artists seeking to harvest his magic for chronicling … Continue reading


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Names: SF’s Influence on Name Freedom by Herb Kauderer

Names: SF’s Influence on Name Freedom Herb Kauderer The coolest human to share my first name refused to use the name. Herbert Marshall McLuhan became a world famous philosopher and media theorist under the name Marshall McLuhan where he coined … Continue reading


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The First Dragon by Herb Kauderer

In ancient days the wizard Aderyn sequestered himself in a stone keep on the side of Cadair Idris determined to make a new kind of creature, one greater than the clumsy golems of the mainland conjurers more controllable than the … Continue reading


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Skyhook by Herb Kauderer

Skyhook Herb Kauderer With Carlos’ plea for asylum granted he stands in a polarized glass dome. ‘Truly a grand cathedral’ he thinks and ‘it holds the tallest steeple in creation.’ He whispers a small prayer, happy to be out of … Continue reading


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Interview with Herb Kauderer

A.R. Do you write poetry, prose, or a mixture of both? H. K. I write poetry, prose, non-fiction, fiction, screenplays, stageplays, shopping lists, lesson plans, outcomes assessments, work reports, bibliographies, blogs, captions, notes, nonsense, and non-sequitors. I may mix them … Continue reading


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