by Eric S Brown
It Comes with the Claws is the latest Daredevil “Epic Collection” to be released by Marvel Comics. The Epic Collection format is great for those who enjoy having a massive tome of stories about their favorite character or team without the price tag and hardcover bulk of the Marvel Omnibus format. It Comes with the Claws includes Daredevil issues 234-252 weighing in at 480 pages!
This Epic Collection is not the best that Marvel has released of Daredevil thus far. The period of material it contains is from an era where several guest writers were doing single issues of the title before Anne Nocenti took as its full time writer. As thus, this collection can feel disjointed at times and though Nocenti is fully writing all the tales by its end, she is still in the process of figuring out how to handle the character and his world. The art is just as off and on as the writing ranging from the lackluster to the work of greats such as Todd McFarlane.
It Comes with the Claws’ title story pits the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen against the X-men villian Sabertooth in a wonderfuly dark tale and by the collection’s end, Wolverine even makes a couple of appearances within its page. This epic collection is a must for Daredevil completists and is a fun read though it lacks the power of the Miller run or the later part of Nocenti’s on the title (which is collected in A Touch of Typhoid).