Search Results for: resurrection

Resurrection by Lisa Lahey

the cliff we climb, the rocks we grasp the dew and doubt, that makes us slide, and slide and dive, into mog and mire. with urgency we vainly grasp the rocks we hold that steady our climb— we grasp the … Continue reading


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The Ring Reclaimed by Jeffrey Greene

The Ring Reclaimed Jeffrey Greene On a rainy October evening more than twenty years ago, two hikers traveling in opposite directions on the Appalachian Trail in northern Georgia stopped for the night in one of those doorless log shelters provided … Continue reading


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The Chimes by Charles Dickens

The Chimes by Charles Dickens Abridged by Lee A. Hart First Quarter There are not, I say, many people who would dare to sleep in a church. I don’t mean at sermon-time on a warm Sunday; but in the dead … Continue reading


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